Monday, January 21, 2013

Learning the Lingo

Since 2006, TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) has been posting TEDTalks on the internet.  These are free 18 minute talks from the world's most innovative and brilliant thinkers.  They talk about their ideas and perspectives on technology, entertainment and design.  This past year, they passed one billion views, making it one of the more inspirational, and educational phenomena in popular culture today.  I watched a TEDTalk from Martin Glaser.
"If you have to explain it, it ain't workin."
-Milton Glaser

Glaser, the American graphic designer responsible for this famous Bob Dylan poster, among many other widely-recognized images, such as the I Love NY logo, gave a TEDTalk about how great design makes ideas new.  During his time on this talk, Glaser touched on many principles of design, specifically abstraction versus naturalism, theme and variation, purpose, profile, and didacticism, among others, all in the context of his work. These are all concepts that help designers convey their message visually. Through theme and variation, you can play around with old ideas and concepts and make them applicable today. A didactic approach is meant to both entertain and instruct the audience.  He shows a few examples of this, including his "Art is Whatever" poster for the School of Visual Arts, where he teaches.
These are just a few examples of the language spoken in the world of graphic design.  If you want to hear more from Glaser's TEDTalk, here is Milton Glaser On Using Design to Make Ideas New.

1 comment:

  1. I know someone else already mentioned something about this, but the pictures you include with these posts are awesome. Supplementing what you're saying with a visual representation really makes it easier and more enjoyable to relate to all of these themes of graphic design. I also might just be a bit biased after seeing a Bob Dylan poster, though. I also really dig that quote you included. After reading this post I feel like I really have a good idea of who Milton Glaser is and what is artwork is kind of about or what it tries to portray. Great post!
