Monday, January 28, 2013

Analyzing Narrative: Chip Kidd

    "Whether or not we know it, we all judge a book by its cover. Its role is to communicate not only what the book is about, but who will enjoy reading it. There is a subliminal language of images and typography that speaks directly to the subconscious mind of the potential book buyer."  Veronique Vienne, who wrote Chip Kidd, said this about the effect a cover has on the potential reader.  We all know that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but the cover gives us a hint at what it's about.  Chip Kidd knows the tricks to these hints and has been one of the more successful designers to continually produce book covers for Alfred A. Knopf since 1986.  
    All of the biographies that I found on graphic designers were brief bio's basically just saying who the person is, what kind of design they do, and who their famous clientele have been.  So to find a few more rhetorical elements in a piece of writing about a graphic designer, I read an article written by Bob Minzesheimer for USA Today in 2003.  The title of the article was Chris Kidd, book cover designer, unmasked.  This article gave a little bit more information about who Chris Kidd is and what he does, in a more appealing way than a brief bio.  
    Minzesheimer said that Kidd has been described as a "design demigod," an "inky colossus" and "the closest thing to a rock star" in graphic design. This use of allusion makes his skills seem larger than life, which help get the point across that he's one of the most respected designers in the business today.  This also shows Minzesheimer's use of examples to support his points.  His angle for the article is to promote both Vienne and Kidd, so he uses quotes that are going to make them look good in the spotlight.  

1 comment:

  1. First off, I'd like to say that I like the overall layout of your blog. I like how you are using a lot of pictures, which just makes sense because your topic is graphic design. I found this article particularly intriguing because the first thing I saw was the collage of pictures at the bottom of the post. And then your use of quotations gave me a really good feel for what kind of person Chip Kidd is. Overall, I'd say this was excellently done and I don't really have any suggestions for improvement. Good job!
